Saturday, July 02, 2005

Winter cleaning....

I guess you all should know what is spring cleaning right. Have you heard of winter cleaning before? That's what I'm doing now. Its winter here in melbourne and I'm cleaning and packing my stuff. Just threw away lots of things like sauces, useless bottles, and things that are lying around the kitchen and in the fridge. Think I will start packing my clothes into the luggage bag now after I finish with this blog. Hmmm... Will it be too early? I still have 4-5 days more. Hmm..

Anyway, yesterday night I met up with my poly friend who is studying in UNSW. He came over with a couple of friends for a holiday. We went to a chocolate cafe call Koko Black to drink hot chocolate. It taste a bit like thick milo though, haha. But on the whole still not bad. After that, they went over to my place to use the internet to check emails and stuff.

Today, I went to the city to get a replacement bulb for my ceiling lamp. The stupid lamp purposely choose this time when I am about to move out to blow out. I end up buying a bottle of soft drink and some pork ribs too. Guess what? I had bak ku teh for dinner just now. Yummuy yum yum heehee.

I guess tomorrow I will stay at home and rot. =p

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