Monday, July 03, 2006

Dad is back to general ward

Today, dad was transferred back to the general ward that he was located when he was first admitted. Looking better today, but he started to ask for this n that, for example food.

We explained that he had to learn to start eating less salty, and less sweet food and get used to it. He got to get rid of his huge stomach. But he's just like a spolit kid. Throw temper n talk rubblish. Make my auntie, my mum and I so fustrated.

Why doesn't he learn after he had gone through so much? We almost lost him and thank god, he recovered, but why doesn't he realise that all this is because of his previous lifestyle which he must now change in order not to let history repeats itself.

So headache u know, I really dont know how to make him understand.

He's still the same. Doesn't listen to anyone. He thinks he is his own doctor. All our efforts, our worries, he just cast it all aside. My poor mum, got to put up with all his nonsense. I try my best to help. My brothers and relatives too.

But most importantly, he must first help himself. If not, I fear for the worse.

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