Thursday, September 30, 2010

Sep Updates

Sep Updates.....

16-Sep-2010 - Johnson Wedding
My best friend's wedding. Of coz, I must be there. Hee.. And he is dear's cousin. It is thru him we get to know each other. In other words, he is our "match-maker". :)

The brothers with the couple....

Dear was there too... And the camera man took a photos of us.

At the dinner later that day....

23-Sep-2010 - Godsis Wedding

My dearest cousin aka godsis wedding. Not the first but hopefully the last.... Her husband looks like a trustworthy person, so I'm sure she will be well taken off...

God-parents, with godsis, her husband Melvin, Kai Ling dear & I

At the reception table.

Photo with my beautiful sis.

And...... finally they start fencing up the area where dear & I will be staying in the near future. Hopefully they quickly build finish coz we just cant wait to have a home of our own.

Montreal Dale BTO in progress...

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